Vse rastline in semena gojimo na SONARAVEN način, BREZ uporabe strupov ali umetnih gnojil ! Katalog je urejen po abecedi po nedvoumnih latinskih imenih. |
We grow all plants and seeds ORGANICALLY, WITHOUT chemicals or artificial fertilisers ! This catalog is arranged alfabetically by unambigous latin names. |
Pri nakupu 3 enakih sadik vam PODARIMO navodila za oskrbo. Pri nakupu 3 enakih zavojčkov semen vam četrtega PODARIMO! 10% POPUST pri nakupu nad 50 €. Minimalna poštnina za Slovenijo je 3 €. Semena so sveža, nabrana v našem vrtu v sezoni 2010. |
Buy 3 plants of same species, get growing instructions FREE. Buy 3 seed packets of the same species, get 1 FREE! 10% DISCOUNT for purchase over 50 €. Email me your wish list to calculate shipping cost. Seeds are fresh, collected from our garden in the 2010 season. |
Ali je rastlina v Sloveniji prezimna? Preberite si o sistemu USDA zone |
Naročite preko emaila / Order by email ali po telefonu 040 121 370 vsak dan od 10 do 17 h. |
Is this plant winter hardy where I live? Please take a look at the explanation of USDA zone system. The zones are listed for each species we offer. |
Informacije - naročanje, ... prosim preberite / Information - ordering, ... please read
Fam. | SLO - opis | ENG -description |
cena price
slika/picture | |
Aeonium arboreum |
Crassulaceae |
Eoniji so endemni na Kanarskih otokih | Aeoniums are endemic to the Canary islands | 9 |
5 € |
Aeonium sp. |
Crassulaceae |
Eoniji so endemni na Kanarskih otokih. Še nedoločena vrsta. | Aeoniums are endemic to the Canary islands. undetermined species. | 9 |
3 € |
Agave americana |
Agavaceae |
Modra agava iz katere kuhajo tekilo | Blue agave, the main ingredient of tequila | 9 |
2 € |
Agave picta |
Agavaceae |
Zelo lepi rumeno obrobljeni listi | Very nice yellow variegated leaves | 10 |
5 € |
Aloë saponaria |
Asphodelaceae |
Lepa srednje velika vrsta. Sok iz listov se peni v vodi in ga lokalno uporabljajo kot čistilo | Nice, medium sized species. Sap foams in water and is used as a cleaning agent | 9 |
3 € |
Aloë aristata |
Asphodelaceae |
Lepa in majhna | Pretty and stays small | 9 |
3 € |
Aloë squamosa |
Asphodelaceae |
Majhna grmičasta vrsta KMALU | Dwarf shrub SOON | 10 |
2 € |
Aloë x nobilis |
Asphodelaceae |
Manjši križanec | Small hybrid | 9 |
3 € |
Aptenia cordifolia |
Aizoaceae |
Temno zeleni sukulentni listi, uporabna kot podrast v posodah velikih sukulentov | Dark green succulent leaves, very nice as undergrowth to a large succulent specimen | 9 |
2 € |
Austrocylindropuntia shaferi |
Cactaceae |
Opuncija z valjastimi stebli | Cholla | 10 |
1,5 € |
Avonia thelepiastrum |
Portulacaceae |
Rariteta. Zelo lepo cveti. | Rarity. Very pretty flowers | 10 |
2 € |
Ceropegia linearis |
Asclepiaceae |
Zelo nenavadna. Za v viseče košare | Unusual. Hanging baskets | 10 |
2 € |
Ceropegia woodii |
Asclepiaceae |
Zelo nenavadna. Za v viseče košare | Unusual. Hanging baskets | 10 |
2 € |
Chamaecereus silvestrii |
Cactaceae |
Češnjevo rdeči cvetovi | Cherry red flowers | 9 |
1,5 € |
Cissus quadrangularis |
Vitaceae |
Puščavska trta ?! | Desert grape-vine ?! | 11 |
3 € |
Crassula lycopodioides |
Crassulaceae |
Tolstica, ki izgleda kot lisičjak | Crassula that resembles a club moss | 10 |
2 € |
Crassula mesembryanthemoides |
Crassulaceae |
Tolstica, ki izgleda kot ledenka | Crassula that resembles an ice plant | 10 |
2 € |
Echeveria sp. |
Crassulaceae |
Steblasta vrsta | Shrubby species | 9 |
2 € |
Echidnopsis cereiformis |
Asclepiaceae |
Stapelijevka, ki spominja na stebrast kaktus. KMALU | Stapeliaeform resemblling a cereid cactus. COMING SOON | 12 |
2,5 € |
Echinopsis oxygona |
Cactaceae |
Do 40 cm visoki roza cvetovi. Zelo trpežen. | Up to 40 cm tall pink flowers. Very forgiving | 10 |
1,5 € |
Harrisia bonplantdii |
Cactaceae |
Redek stebrast kaktus. | Rare cereiform cactus | 10 |
2,5 € |
Huernia microcarpa |
Asclepiaceae |
Stapelijevka | Stapeliaeform | 10 |
2,5 € |
Huernia pilansii |
Asclepiaceae |
Ena bolj nenavadnih stapelijevk. | One of the more unusual stapeliaeforms | 10 |
3 € |
Hylocereus undatus |
Cactaceae |
Pitaja / zmajski sadež - tropski sadež | Pitaya / dragon fruit - tropical fruit | 10 |
3 € |
Jovibarba sobolifera (hirta) |
Crassulaceae |
'Zevsova brada' | 'Zeus's beard' | 6 |
2 € |
Kalanchoë daigremontiana |
Crassulaceae |
Živorodka | Mother of thousands | 9 |
1,5 € |
Kalanchoë fedtchenkoi |
Crassulaceae |
Rariteta. Izjemno lepa - svetlo modri listi obrobljeni rdeče. | Rarity. Very nice - baby blue leaves with red margines | 9 |
3 € |
Kalanchoë scandens |
Crassulaceae |
Rariteta. Endem Madagaskarja, vzpenjalka. | Rarity. Endemic to Madagascar, climber | 9 |
2 € |
Kalanchoë sp. |
Crassulaceae |
Verjetno sorodna K. blossfeldiana. | Probably a relative to K. blossfeldiana | 9 |
2 € |
Kalanchoë tubiflora |
Crassulaceae |
Miniaturno 'drevesce' | Minitature 'tree' | 9 |
2 € |
Kedrostis leloja |
Curcubitaceae |
Puščavska buča? Kaudiciforma. | A desert pumpkin? Kaudiciform. | 10 |
5 € |
Mammilaria magnimmama |
Cactaceae |
Nazaj usločeni dolgi črni trni | Backward pointing long black thorns | 9 |
1,5 € |
Notocatus scopa |
Cactaceae |
Eden od najlepših notokaktej | One of the nicest notocacti | 9 |
1,5 € |
Opuntia vulgaris |
Cactaceae |
Kaktusova figa - užitni plodovi | Cactus fig - edible fruits | 7 |
2 € |
Opuntia vulgaris 'MONSTROSA' |
Cactaceae |
Monstruozna oblika kaktusove fige. 30-35 cm visoke sadike - POMLAD | Monstrous form of cactus fig. 30-35 cm tall plants - SPRING | 8 |
15 € |
Orbea hardyi |
Asclepiaceae |
Žametno rdeči cvetovi, vonj ni problematičen. | Welwety dark rde flowers, smell not problematic | 9 |
2 € |
Orbea variegata |
Asclepiaceae |
Zelo lep velik cvet in nepozaben vonj ... :) | Very pretty large flower and an unforgetable smell .... :) | 9 |
3 € |
Pachyphytum compactum |
Crassulaceae | Mesnati sivozeleni listi | Fleshy grey-green leaves | 10 |
2 € |
Parietaria judaica |
Urticaceae |
Ni sukulent, raste pa na suhih rastiščih - škarpe, zidovi, ... Najslavneša lokaliteta je Zid žalovanja v Jeruzalemu. | Not a succulent, but grows in dry habitats - dry walls, old buildings... Most famous locality is the Wailling wall in Jerusalem. | 6 |
2 € |
Pereskia aculeata |
Cactaceae |
Kaktus z listi ... listopaden ... Izvorna oblika za vse kakteje. Rariteta. | Cactus with true leaves ... decidious ... this is how the cactus evolution begun. Rarity | 9 |
3 € |
Plectranthus (=Coleus) canina |
Lamiaceae |
Odganjalec mačk. O učinkovitosti presodite sami, definitivno pa spada v zbirko sukulent. Socvetje je prav 'vesoljsko'. | Kitty-go-away plant. I leave judgement on its effectivness to you. But this plant definatelly belongs in a succulent collection. The inflorescence might have come from outer space. | 10 |
3 € |
Plectranthus ernestii |
Lamiaceae |
Kaudiciforma. Zelo zelo redka. | Caudiciform. Very rare indeed. | 10 |
4 € |
Plectranthus verticillatus |
Lamiaceae |
Sukulentni listi, zelo lepo modro cveti. | Succulent leaves, very nice blue flowers | 10 |
2 € |
Rhipsalis cassutha ( cereuscula?) |
Cactaceae |
Epifitski kaktus za v vašo zbirko orhidej. | Epifitic cactus best kept in your orchid collection. | 9 |
2 € |
Saxifraga cuneifolia wild type |
Saxifragaceae |
Sukulentni kamnokreč. Raste v senci. | Succulent saxifrage. Grows best in deep shade. | 6 |
3 € |
Sedum album wild type |
Crassulaceae |
Bela homulica | White stonecrop | 6 |
2 € |
Sedum hispanicum |
Crassulaceae |
Španska homulica | Spanish stonecrop | 6 |
1,5 € |
Sedum kamtschaticum |
Crassulaceae |
Kamčatska homulica | Kamchatka stonecrop | 7 |
1,5 € |
Sedum kamtschaticum 'VARIEGATUM' |
Crassulaceae |
Pisana verzija kamčatske homulice | Variegated version of Kamchatka stonecrop | 7 |
2 € |
Sedum rubrotinctum |
Crassulaceae |
Pijančkov nosek | Jelly bean | 9 |
2 € |
Sedum rupestre |
Crassulaceae |
Svetlo modri listi | Baby blue leaves | 7 |
1,5 € |
Sedum sexangulare wild type |
Crassulaceae |
Šestoglata homulica | Six-angled stonecrop | 5 |
1,5 € |
Sedum sieboldii |
Crassulaceae |
Svetlo modri listi | Baby blue leaves | 8 |
2 € |
Sedum spurium |
Crassulaceae |
Raste tudi v senci! | Grows in shade too! | 7 |
2 € |
Sempervivum arachnoideum |
Crassulaceae |
Pajčevinasti netresek | Cobweb houseleek | 5 |
2 € |
Sempervivum cv. |
Crassulaceae |
Kultivarji natreskov brez imen | Houseleek cultivars with no label | 5 |
2 € |
Sempervivum tectorum wild type |
Crassulaceae |
Divji netresek | Wild houseleek | 4 |
2 € |
Stapelia lepida |
Asclepiaceae |
Zelo drobna stapelija | Tiny stapelia | 10 |
3 € |
Tradescantia (=Cyanotis) somaliensis |
Comellinaceae |
Dlakava puščavska tradeskancija | Hairy succulent spiderwort | 9 |
1,5 € |
Tradescantia navicularis |
Comellinaceae |
Drobna sukulentna tradeskancija | Tiny cucculent spiderwort | 9 |
1,5 € |
Kako izgledajo sadike kaktusov in sukulent, ki jih nameravam naročiti? | What do the plants I intend to order look like? | |
Sadike so ali sejanke (večinoma kaktusi) ali potaknjenci (sukuleti, brsteči kaktusi in opuncije). Sejanke so stare najmanj 1 leto, večinoma pa več kot 2 leti. Potaknjenci so stari najmanj pol leta, večinoma pa več; zaradi same narave razmnoževanja so potaknjenci večji od enako starih sejank.
Plants are reproduced either by seed (majority of cacti) or cuttings (succulents, budding cacti and opuntias). Seedlings are at least 1 year old, but mostly more than 2 years old. Cuttings are at least 6 months old, but are mostly older; cuttings are, due to the nature of reproduction, bigger than seedlings of the same age. |
Kako pakirate sadike za pošiljanje po pošti? |
How do you package the plants for sending by mail? |
Sadike pošiljamo brez lončkov in zemlje. Pakiramo jih ali v PVC vrečke ali zavijemno v papir. Pozimi je obvezen dodatek tudi mehurčasta folija za izolacijo. |
All plants are packaged without pots or soil. They are packaged in PVC bags or wraped in paper. In winter bubble-wrap is used as isolation. |
Glede prezimne trdnosti ... torej lahko opuncijo pustim zunaj? |
About winter hardiness ... I can leave my opuntia outside? |
Opuncija prezimi zunaj, da! Vendar je treba upoštevati, da je sposobnost kaktusov in sukulent v splošnem obratno sorazmerna z mokroto substrata; po domače povedano: bolj kot bo zemlja suha nižje temperature bodo rastline prenesle. Če jih prezimite v zavetrju in pod streho, lahko mnogo vrst kaktusov brez težav prenese zelo hud mraz. |
Yes you can! But please bear in mind that generally the ability of cacti and succulents to withstand the cold is reversely parallel to the wetness of substrate; in plain words: the drier the soil the lower temperature the plants will survive. If you winter them out of the wind and under a roof many cacti are very winter hardy. |
Kako naj prezimim kaktuse in sukulente? Voda, svetloba ...? |
How to owerwinter cacti and succulents? Water, light ... ? |
Najbolje jih je prezimiti v rastlinjaku, večini vrst ustreza nekje med 5 in 10°C. Posebaj Mamillaria naj prezimi hladno, sicer slabo cvetijo. Ker pa nima vsakdo na voljo rastlinjaka je najlažje rastline prezimiti v hladni garaži, kleti, verandi... Kjerkoli je suho in ni toplo. Na toplem namreč pozimi ne morete zagotoviti dovolj svetlobe pravega spektra in rastline se samo razpotegnejo in niso več lepe. Naj raje mirujejo. Predvsem pa - med prezimovanjem jih ne zalivajte. |
It is best to owerwinter them in a greenhouse, most species feel fine somewhere between 5 and 10°C. especially Mamillaria shoud owrwinter cold or else they don't flower well. As not everybody has a greenhouse at their disposal, it is best to overwinter your plants in a cold garage, cellar, veranda ... Anywhere where it is dry and not warm. If warm plants continue to grow and you cannot give them enough light in the correct spectrum so the plants just elongate and look bad. Let them be dormant. Most important - while overwintering do not water your plants. |
Rekli so mi naj kaktus zalivam po žličkah na 14 dni, ali je to res? |
I was told to water my cactus ane spoonful every 14 days, is this true? |
Bedarija! Se vam zdi, da nekdo hodi po puščavah s kanglico in merico in vsake dva tedna obišče vse rastline? Dobro jih zalijte spomladi, ko jih vzamete iz prezimovališča, nato pa pustite dežju naj naredi svoje. Pozimi, med prezimovanjem, pa ne zalivajte. |
Rubbish! Is there a person walking all deserts of the world with a bucket and measuring out spoonfuls of water to all the plants on a 2 week basis? Just give them a good soak in spring when you bring them out and let the rain do it's job for the rest of the season. While overwintering do not water. |
Še kakšno vprašanje? Želite naročiti? Prosim pišite na emaila ali pokličite na telefon 040 121 370 vsak dan od 10 do 17 h. Any other questions? Ready to order? Please send us an email .
Sveža semena, nabrana v sezoni 2010, lastna vzgoja / Fresh seed, collected in 2010 season, home grown
Fam. |
SLO - opis | ENG -description |
cena price |
št. semen v paketu / seeds in packet |
slika/picture | |
Aptenia cordifolia |
Aizoaceae |
Temno zeleni sukulentni listi, uporabna kot podrast v posodah velikih sukulentov | Dark green succulent leaves, very nice as undergrowth to a large succulent specimen | 9 |
1,5 € |
10 |
Bulbine natalensis |
Asphodelaceae | Cvetovi dišijo po limoni | Flowers are lemon scented | 9 |
1,5 € |
10 |
'Cereus sp.' |
Cactaceae | Velik cvet, svetlo-rjavo steblo. Zanimiv, trenutno nedoločena vrsta. | Large flower, stem light grey. Quite interesting, species currently undetermined | 10 |
1 € |
10 |
Epithelantha densispina |
Cactaceae | Rariteta. Droben zanimiv kaktus. | Rarity. Tiny and very interesting | 11 |
2 € |
10 |
Gymnocalycium fleischerianum |
Cactaceae | Majhna vrsta | Small species | 9 |
1 € |
5 |
Hylocereus undatus |
Cactaceae | Pitaja / zmajski sadež - tropski sadež | Pitaya / dragon fruit - tropical fruit | 10 |
1,5 € |
10 |
Kaktus paket za začetnike Cactus begginers pack |
Cactaceae | Dobro napolnjen paket vsebuje vrste enostavne za vzgojo iz semen. Seznam je priložen. | Well filled packet contains species easy to grow from seed. List included. |
9 |
5 € |
40 |
Kalanchoë - MIX |
Crassulaceae | Brsti; posejete kot semena | Sprouts; sow as seeds | 9 |
3 € |
30 |
Kalanchoë daigremontiana |
Crassulaceae | Brsti; posejete kot semena | Sprouts; sow as seeds | 9 |
1,5 € |
10 |
Kalanchoë scandens |
Crassulaceae | Brsti; posejete kot semena | Sprouts; sow as seeds | 9 |
1,5 € |
10 |
Kalanchoë tubiflora |
Crassulaceae | Brsti; posejete kot semena | Sprouts; sow as seeds | 9 |
1,5 € |
10 |
Mamillaria - MIX |
Cactaceae | Mešanica semen rodu Mamillaria. Vsebuje še nekaj vrst, ki niso v tem katalogu. Seznam je priložen | Seed mix of genus Mamillaria. Contains some additional species not listed in this catalog. List included | 9 |
4€ |
35 |
Mamillaria albilantha |
Cactaceae | Kroglasta, polno drobnih belih trnov - ne bode | Spherical, lots of tiny white thorns - not prickly | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria casoi |
Cactaceae | Stebrasta | Columnar | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria columbiana |
Cactaceae | Stebrasta | Columnar | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria jagaspina |
Cactaceae | Skoraj brez trnov in z 'čopkom' belih dlačic na vrhu | Almost thornless and with a tuft of white hairs on top | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria marksiana |
Cactaceae | Kroglasta | Spherical | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria ruestii |
Cactaceae | Stebrasta | Columnar | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria scrippsiana |
Cactaceae | Zelo trpežna | Very tough | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria spinosissima var. monospina |
Cactaceae | Po en dolg bel trn na vsaki bradavici | One long white thorn to each wart | 9 |
1 € |
5 |
Mamillaria woodsii |
Cactaceae | Kroglasta | Spherical | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Mamillaria prolifera var. texana |
Cactaceae | Drobna, brsteča | Tiny and prolific | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Opuntia vulgaris |
Cactaceae | Kaktusova figa - užitni plodovi | Cactus fig - edible fruits | 7 |
1 € |
10 |
Parodia miguillensis |
Cactaceae | Samooplodna | Self-fertile | 10 |
1 € |
5 |
Puya alpestris |
Bromeliaceae | Ozki nazobčani listi delujejo kot bodeča žica | Narrow serrated leaves are like barbed wire | 8 |
10 |
Rebutia - MIX |
Cactaceae | Mešanica semen rodu Rebutia. Vsebuje še nekaj vrst, ki niso v tem katalogu. Seznam je priložen | Seed mix of genus Rebutia. Contains some additional species not listed in this catalog. List included | 9 |
3 € |
25 |
Rebutia minuscula |
Cactaceae | Majhna vrsta | Small | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Rebutia violaciflora (=Rebutia minuscula subsp. violaciflora) |
Cactaceae | Majhna vrsta | Small | 9 |
1 € |
10 |
Semena so drobna, kako naj jih posejem? | Seeds are tiny, how do I sow them? | |
Steriliziranemu substratu za sejanje (zemlja za setev) primešajte malo kremenčevega peska. S substratom napolnite kalilnik do višine ca.2,5 cm. Substrat s pršilko dobro in enakomerno zalijte s mlačno prekuhano deževnico. Semena sejte po površini. Ponovno rahlo in nežno popršite, da se semena razporedijo po površini. Označite vrste rastlin! Zaprite kalilnik in ga postavite na toplo (ca 25°C) in svetlo mesto (ne na direktno sonce). Vsak dan prezračite kalinik in po potrebi popršite. Semena puščavskih rastlin večinoma kalijo hitro, v ca. 14 dneh bodo v pravih pogojih morala večina vzkaliti. Najprej se razvijeta klična lista (ali 1 list pri enokaličnicah), nato boste med njima opazili razvoj mesnatega stebelca z drobnimi trnčki. Prvih 6 mesecev naj bodo rastlinice dobro zalite (kot sejanke zelenjeve npr.), nato pa jih postopoma navadite na polno sonce in bolj suhe pogoje. |
Add some quartz sand to the commercial sowing soil mix. Fill the germination tray to about 2,5 cm deep with the soil. Water well and evenly with tepid boiled rainwater. Sow the seeds on the surface. Gently spray slightly with water, so the seeds come into contact with the soil better. Mark the species! Cover the tray and put it in a warm (about 25°C) and bright place (no direct sunlight). Air out every day and spray if necessary. Seed of desert plants mostly germinates quickly, in 2 weeks most will sprout if the conditions are right. First the two cotyledons develop (or 1 if the plant is a moncot), then you will see the fleshy stem with tiny thorns develop. For the first 6 months keep the plants well watered (like vegetable seedlings for example), then slowly acclimatize them to the full sun and drier conditions. |
Še kakšno vprašanje? Želite naročiti? Prosim pišite na emaila ali pokličite na telefon 040 121 370 vsak dan od 10 do 17 h. Any other questions? Ready to order? Please send us an email .
Za vrste, kjer je aktualno: rastline umetno razmnožene v skladu s CITES, resolucija 2.12 |
Where applicable: plants artificially propagated compliant to CITES, resolution 2. 12 |
10 % popust pri nakupu vsaj 3 ENAKIH rastlin! Zraven podarimo še navodila za gojenje. |
buy 3 plants of SAME species, save 10 % ! Growing instructions included free of charge. |
Naročite lahko preko emaila ali po telefonu 040 121 370 vsak dan od 10 do 17 h. |
Order by email |
Prevzem naročila: a) osebno na sedežu zavoda Raznolikost. Plačilo ob prevzemu. b) po pošti - Pošta Slovenije, priporočeno. Paket lahko sledite po njegovi številki pošiljke. Prispe v 1-2 dneh. Naročilo pošljem takoj po prejemu plačila. Plačilo je možno po pošti (najbolje priporočeno) ali po položnici ali preko banka net-a. Za drugo prosim vprašajte. Plačilo ob prevzemu NI možno. Rastlin ne pošiljamo, če je T pod lediščem. |
Recieving your order: a) personally at zavod Raznolikost. Payment on receipt. b) by mail. We send orders thru Pošta Slovenije by registered post, so you can trace your package on its journey by its aloted number. Orders must be payed for before sending. We accept: cash by registered post, payment by bank transfer and deposit on our account. Ask for other. NO payment on delivery. Plants are not sent if T is below freezing. |
Naročite lahko preko emaila ali po telefonu 040 121 370 vsak dan od 10 do 17 h. - Order by email
Slike Jovibarba sobolifera, Sedum album, Sedum kamtschaticum 'VARIEGATUM' in Rebutia minuscula so povzete po Wikipedia, upoštevajoč GNU licenco, z njimi se prosto razpolaga. Vse ostale so © Zavod Raznolikost; za uporabo v kakršnekoli namene prosim pošljite emaila in počakajte na dovoljenje.